Saturn: Jewel of the Heavens

Perhaps the most elegant planet in our solar system, once place of mystery, the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn unveiled worlds of vibrant wonder. Discover the mystery of Saturn's rings, explore moons with atmospheres and lakes and even frozen over oceans blowing geysers into space. See the differences in the makeup of the bodies around Saturn, an interacting system of gas giant and moons.

Sculpted surfaces of the moons from mission data were carefully overlaid with actual imagery from Cassini for this show. Fly along, as if in person, on the Cassini mission and see incredible views of the cliffs, craters, geysers and more.

  • 3k Resolution
  • 30 FPS
  • 36 Minute Runtime

Target audiences: General audience feature show, curriculum 10+

Available Languages

  • English